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  • 金骏眉如何辨别好坏,请问金骏眉的好坏如何区

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:28

















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. Smell the smell of tea: Jinjunmei tea is not only one kind of fragrance, it is a mixture of many fragrances, with a faint floral and fruity fragrance, which smells like a pleasant feeling; if it smells mixed with jujube fragrance, Potato fragrant or other strong taste, that is inferior Jin Junmei.

      2. Look at the color of the tea soup: After the Jinjunmei tea leaves are brewed, the tea soup has a faint fragrance of corn, and the color of the tea soup is translucent and golden. Even if it has been brewed for a long time, the color is very translucent; if the color is red, black or dark, it means the tea soup There are impurities, indicating that the tea is inferior tea.

      3. Look at the color of the tea leaves: high-quality Jinjunmei tea leaves are mixed colors. There are gold, brown, yellow, and black in the dry tea leaves, and silver tea leaves in the better ones; if the tea leaves are all black or all brown, it means that the tea leaves are low quality.

      4. Look at the buds of the tea leaves: The buds displayed by Jin Junmei after brewing indicate that it is a good tea. The buds of the tea are tall and straight, the color is mostly bronze, and tends to be red, indicating that it is a high-quality Jinjunmei; After brewing, the tea soup is mostly red, the buds are different in size, and the turbidity indicates that it is inferior Jin Junmei.

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