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  • 海豹有耳朵吗,请问海报有耳朵吗?

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:29














      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Seals have ears, but the outer ears have degenerated. From the appearance alone, seals do not have auricles. But seals also have inner ears, also known as ear holes. If you look closely at the seals, you can find that there are ear holes on both sides of the head and behind the eyes. It is more obvious that they are the ears of the seal.

      Physical characteristics of seals:

      Seal is the collective name for the pinniped species of seals. The seal body is thick and fusiform. Body covered with short hair, bluish-gray back, creamy yellow belly, with blue-black spots. The head is nearly round, the eyes are large and round, there is no outer auricle, the snout is short and wide, and the tentacles of the upper lip are long and thick, in the shape of a rosary. All limbs have 5 toes, with webs between the toes, forming flippers with sharp claws. The hind flippers are large, extending backward, and the tail is short and flat. Coat color varies with age, darker in cubs and lighter in adults.

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