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  • 大爷家的哥哥是表哥还是堂哥!奶奶家的哥哥是

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:40












      【英文介绍/For English】:


      It depends on the situation. If it is the grandson of grandfathers biological brother, it is called "cousin"; if it is the grandson of grandfathers cousin, it is called "cousin". Tang and table are distinguished by the method of male-based relatives called "tang" relatives. For example, the children of uncles and uncles are in the relationship of "Tang", and the children of aunts are not in the relationship of Tang but in the relationship of "table", because the aunt is a woman. Relatives with women as the standard are "tables". A better way is to look at the last name. Cousins ​​have the same surname as him, and cousins ​​have a different surname. Tong has the meaning of family, which means the same root and the same branch, so the cousin refers to the descendant of the fathers brother. Cousins ​​refer to the descendants of the fathers sisters and mothers brothers and sisters, and are people who will not live in a large family in the future. Therefore, the blood relationship of the church is relatively more than that of the table.

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