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  • 淡黄玫瑰花语是什么意思,请问浅黄玫瑰花语是

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:40
















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The flower language of pale yellow roses is lost love, luck, blessing, apology, and waiting. In different situations, its flower language is different, and its meaning is different. For example, in love, it can represent passionate true love, it can also represent lost love, and it can be used when breaking up; in friendship, it can represent pure love. Friendship and good wishes can also represent luck and are suitable for good friends; pale yellow roses can represent apology. When you do something wrong, you can send a yellow rose to express apology and hope to be forgiven by the other party.


    Definition of Yellow Rose:


      In plant taxonomy, rose refers to a shrub of the genus Rosaceae of the family Rosaceae. In daily life, rose is the collective name for a series of cultivars of the genus Rosa with large and gorgeous flowers. These cultivars should be called roses or roses in plant taxonomy. "Yellow rose" is a yellow variety of cut roses. With its elegant posture and bright color, it has become a favorite flower and is more common in life.

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