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  • 基金P值是什么意思,请问基金参考值是什么意思

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:42











      参考市值=基金份额 * 赎回日单位净值总市值:总市值是指在某特定时间内总股本数乘以当时股价得出的股票总价值.沪市所有股票的市值就是沪市总市值。深市所有股票的市值就是深市总市值。总市值用来表示个股权重大小或大盘的规模大小,对股票买卖没有什么直接作用。但是最近走强的却大多是市值大的个股,由于市值越大在指数中占的比例越高,庄家往往通过控制这些高市值的股票达到控制大盘的目的。这时候对股票买卖好像又有作用。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The P value of the fund is the net value of the fund, which refers to the current total net assets of the fund divided by the total shares of the fund. The calculation formula is: net value of fund units = total net assets / fund shares. Using regression to calculate, the basic formula is: P=aX+bY+cZ. Fund in a broad sense refers to a certain amount of funds established for a certain purpose. It mainly includes trust investment funds, provident funds, pension funds, and funds of various foundations.

      The valuation of the net value of the fund unit refers to the estimation of the net asset value of the fund according to a certain price. It is the key to calculating the net asset value of a unit fund. Funds often invest in various investment instruments in the securities market, such as stocks, bonds, etc. Since the market prices of these assets are constantly changing, only the daily net asset value of the unit fund is calculated. Recalculation can reflect the investment value of the fund in a timely manner.

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