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  • 发朋友圈的精美句子,太久不发朋友圈的文案.

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:50


































      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. Face the sunshine and work hard to live out the most brilliant self every day.

      2. Happiness is that as long as you hold the right hand, you will not be afraid even if you lose everything.

      3. Do what you should do, love the person you should love, be able to cope with the majesty of the stormy waves hitting the shore, and be content with the tenderness of the slow water.

      4. Let go of all your sorrows today, and choose to live well after tomorrow.

      5. The original scene, the original smile, but not that person.

      6. If you feel that the world is troubled, then leave a piece of pure land in your heart; if you encounter sorrow in life, then comfort yourself with a smile.

      7. Let the happy sunshine shine into the window, let the moonlight of good luck cover the bed, let the breeze of success pass through the hall, and let the healthy air fill the room. Sending blessings in the scorching summer, sincerely wish Junxiang, store happiness, and make you feel refreshed!

      8. Some people, some things, hold on to them, the one who makes things difficult is yourself, and the one who gets hurt is yourself, why bother!

      9. Life is like a bumper car: if you hit the right fortune, you will be successful for a lifetime; if you hit the right hobby, you will be fulfilled for a lifetime; if you hit the right lover, you will be happy for a lifetime; if you hit the right friends, you will be happy for a lifetime; may you all meet, and good luck will follow you .

      10. When I knew that I would never see her again, I realized that I fell in love with her.

      11. Some people, some people, can't tell what's good, but they just like it.

      12. Every season has its story, just as everyone has their own life.

      13. Habits form character, and character determines destiny.

      14. People may not be beautiful, but they must be healthy; people may not be great, but they must be happy; people may not be perfect, but they must pursue.

      15. Rather spend time cultivating an imperfect self than wasting time expecting someone else to be perfect.

      16. The past is just the past, the past is just the past, the past is just the past, memories are just memories, what's so sad!

      17. You can't live without arrogance, otherwise it's easy to be spineless. But you can't let people see too much, otherwise it's easy to lose friends. It is also not possible to keep people from seeing it at all, otherwise it is easy to be disrespected. How much you have is important, but the display of relaxation is even more important. The latter determines your place in the world.

      18. The battle of the strong will eventually stop, and the battle of the weak will never end, because the weak never admit that they are weak.

      19. Girl, remember that you are not going to marry a prince, but someone who treats you like a princess.

      20. Excellence is a habit, life is a process, giving up is a kind of wisdom, defect is a kind of favor, smiling without speaking is a kind of open-mindedness, and pain without speaking is a kind of self-cultivation. Understand these, you are the happiest person in the world.

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