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  • 吉利博越车门异响!吉利博越车内异响「记得收

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:52










      1、组件偏移: 皮革和塑料件之间存在缝隙、偏差、移位等情况,在颠簸路段容易因挤压松动产生异响。解决方法:找到异响的来源,使用纸巾、橡胶板等。作为垫圈来堵住它。

      2、组件冲突: 汽车扬声器与汽车零部件碰撞产生的异响。解决方案:扬声器、CD播放器等。可以通过拧紧螺钉来固定。

      3、当前问题: 汽车刚启动时车内电流的声音基本较大,尤其是冷启动时立即开启或自动开启的音响和空开关。解决方法:车热或者行驶稳定一段时间自然会被淘汰。

      4、2博越车内后面异响是什么原因? 玻璃门的胶条导槽脱落。去4s店处理,加点胶再贴,也可以自己处理。 博越外形设计: 吉利博越的长宽高分别为4519×1831×1694mm,轴距为2670mm。前脸的设计沿用了吉利家族式的“水滴波纹


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Check whether it is the abnormal sound from the door lock, if it is, it can be solved by adding tape or butter. It may also be caused by loose parts or loose buckles, internal parts rust, abnormal friction noise during operation, and abnormal noise in the mechanical structure of the door cable. If it is only the friction sound of the parts, it is recommended to spray lubricant directly. If the parts or buckles are loose and dropped, only the door can be disassembled for inspection, and the problem of abnormal noise can be solved by strengthening it. If the window glass also vibrates abnormally, the reason may be that the screw fixing of the window regulator is loose, and the failure of the window regulator will directly lead to the abnormal noise. Check whether there is dirt around the window glass that causes abnormal friction and noise. If the window has been replaced, it may be the cause of inaccurate installation.

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