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  • 东南亚自然环境特点,东南亚的自然环境...「一

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:53

















      4、雨量充沛(21%)。 东南亚气候以热带为主,终年湿热,雨量充沛。越南北部以及老挝和缅甸的山区是东南亚唯一具有亚热带气候的地区,冬季较温和,最高气温低至 20°C 或 68°F。 由于风或季风的季节性变化,东南亚的大部分地区都有雨季和旱季。热带雨带在季风季节造成额外降雨。...


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. Topography: The terrain of the Indo-China Peninsula is high in the north and low in the south, with alternating mountains and rivers, and longitudinal fissures. The lower reaches of the river have many impact plain river deltas. There are many volcanoes and earthquakes on the Malay Archipelago, with many mountains, rugged terrain and few plains.

      2. Climate characteristics: The Indo-China Peninsula and the northern part of the Philippine Islands are dominated by tropical monsoon climate, with high temperatures throughout the year, with obvious dry season and rainy season. The southern part of the Malay Archipelago and most of the Malay Archipelago are tropical rainforest climate, with high temperature all year round.

      3. River status: The rivers in the Indo-China Peninsula mainly flow in the north-south direction. They are large rivers, with fast upstream speed and rich water energy. The middle and lower water flows are gentle, with large flow and obvious seasonal changes.

      4. Mineral resources: Southeast Asia is rich in mineral resources. In fact, the status of tin and oil is prominent, and it has the largest tin ore belt in the world. Southeast Asia is located in Asia and the southeast. It is the "crossroad" between Asia, Oceania and the Indian Ocean. The geographical location of Southeast Asia is very important. It is the only way to communicate between Asia and the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. The Strait of Malacca is the connection between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. The important sea passage, known as the "crossroads" and "chokepoints", is one of the busiest straits in the world. Southeast Asia includes the Indochina Peninsula and the Malay Archipelago.

    上一篇:海参吃什么食物长大,请问海参吃什么长大的? 下一篇:刮东北风时彩旗向哪飘,请问彩旗向东北方飘说

