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    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:56

















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Muntjac nests in dense forests, grasses, mountains and hills and other places, mainly distributed in Southeast Asia as the center, east to mainland China, Indonesian islands, west to India, Sri Lanka and other places. There are three types in China, namely black muntjac, red muntjac and small muntjac. Among them, the black muntjac has the smallest number and a narrow distribution area, and has been listed as an internationally endangered species.

      Muntjac classification:

      1. Bark deer: The largest species of deer, with a body length of 80-150 cm and a shoulder height of about 55 cm; long face and face; tan or dark brown on the back, bright brown on the chest, and light yellow on the back. To pure white, with white patches on the armpits, pure white on the rump, buttocks, and under the tail.

      2. Black muntjac: It is a unique species in China and is a national-level protected animal. The body size is slightly smaller than that of the red muntjac, with a body length of about 120 cm and a shoulder height of about 50 cm; the ears are short and round; the lateral hooves are more developed than other muntjacs.

      3. Small muntjac: It is the smallest of the muntjac species, and it is also a unique species in China. The barking sound is like a dog barking, so it is also called barking deer or dog muntjac. The body length is 70 to 90 cm, and the shoulder height is about 40 cm; the face is short, and the facial ridges are also shorter than those of the red deer.

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