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  • 工会可以发哪些慰问品,请问工会慰问品有哪些

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:59


















      1、节日慰问 基层工会逢年过节可以向全体会员发放节日慰问品,每位会员年度总额不超过1800元。逢年过节的年节是指国家规定的法定节日(即:元旦、春节、清明节、劳动节、端午节、中秋节和国庆节)。 节日慰问品原则上为符合中国传统节日习惯的用品和职工群众必需的生活用品等,如月饼、粽子、米、面、油、肉、蛋、奶、水果、干果及日常生活用品等。基层工会可结合实际采取便捷灵活的发放方式,可发放指定商家指定物品的领取券,但不可发放现金和购物卡。

      2、生日慰问 工会会员生日慰问,可以发放不超过300元的生日蛋糕等实物慰问品(含指定蛋糕店的蛋糕券)。

      3、结婚慰问 工会会员结婚时,可以给予不超过1000元金额的慰问金或慰问品。

      4、生育慰问 工会会员符合政策生育时,可以给予不超过1000元金额的慰问金或慰问品,生育的男方会员和女方会员可同时慰问。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Moon cakes, rice dumplings, rice, noodles, oil, meat, eggs, milk, fruits, dried fruits and daily necessities, etc. The grass-roots trade unions can distribute holiday condolences to all members during the holidays. Holiday condolences are items that conform to traditional Chinese program habits, and daily necessities necessary for the workers and the masses. It is not allowed to purchase and distribute items that are expressly prohibited by the relevant regulations on the construction of party conduct and clean government. The total amount of annual distribution shall not exceed 50% of the funds retained by the grass-roots trade union for the year.


    Employee collective welfare expenditure regulations:


      1. The grass-roots trade union can give condolences to members in the month of their birthday, and each person can not exceed the standard of 300 yuan per year. They can issue birthday cakes and other objects, and can also issue cake coupons for designated cake shops.

      2. When a trade union member gets married and gives birth to the first child, the grass-roots trade union can offer condolences in kind, the standard is not more than 800 yuan per person, and the standard does not exceed 1,000 yuan for the second child.

      3. If a trade union member is sick and hospitalized, the grassroots trade union can offer condolences. The gold standard for condolences for ordinary diseases does not exceed 1,000 yuan per person per time, and the gold standard for condolences for serious illnesses does not exceed 2,000 yuan per person per time. One hospitalization is limited to one condolence.

      4. When trade union members retire and leave their posts, grass-roots trade unions can send their farewells in the form of symposiums and other forms, and can issue souvenirs of no more than 1,000 yuan for condolences, but they cannot buy items that are expressly prohibited by relevant regulations.

      5. All grassroots trade unions should improve the condolence system and regulations in light of the actual situation, uniformly clarify the standards and methods of condolences, and shall not engage in special condolences.

    上一篇:桔子什么季节成熟可以摘,请问桔子几月份成熟 下一篇:抖音怎么取消别人隐藏的作品的赞,请问抖音作

