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  • 过户给哥哥妹妹可以读书吗,请问房子过户给哥

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 16:01














      【英文介绍/For English】:


      It is transferred to the elder brother, and the younger sister cannot study. It does not meet the requirements for moving household registration. According to the regulations, children can rely on their parents, and parents can rely on their children to move household registration. The sister and brother are not direct relatives and do not meet the requirements for moving to a household registration. You can bring your ID card, household registration book, housing property registration certificate, etc., and consult the person in charge of the counterpart school where the property is located in advance, and the other partys answer shall prevail.

      School-age children and teenagers are exempt from examinations. Local peoples governments at all levels shall ensure that school-age children and teenagers enroll in schools nearby where their household registration is located. For school-age children or teenagers whose parents or other legal guardians work or live in places other than their household registration places, and receive compulsory education in the places where their parents or other legal guardians work or live, the local peoples government shall provide them with equal conditions for receiving compulsory education. The specific measures shall be formulated by the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government.

    上一篇:海獭和水獭长相有什么不一样,请问水獭寿命一 下一篇:国际护士节祝福语(国际护士节祝福语图片大全

