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  • 经期可以做卷腹运动吗,请问月经期可以做卷腹

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 16:03




















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      You can't do crunches during menstruation. The crunch is a repetitive stretching exercise that mainly exercises the rectus abdominis. During the exercise, it is easy to compress or strain the uterus. Especially two days before the menstrual period will easily lead to increased bleeding, so it is not recommended to do crunches during the menstrual period.

      Generally, you can do some exercise during menstruation, but not too much. You can take a walk every day, which can not only exercise your body, but also promote blood circulation, which is conducive to the discharge of intrauterine congestion. During the menstrual period, you need to rest properly, strengthen nutrition, keep the abdomen warm, avoid catching cold, do not eat spicy food, cold drinks and other irritating foods, maintain sufficient sleep, and maintain a comfortable mood.

      Common sense of menstrual maintenance:

      1. Don't catch a cold

      Women must keep warm during menstruation and not catch cold. If a woman catches cold during menstruation, it will not only aggravate dysmenorrhea and make women more uncomfortable, but also cause irregular menstruation such as increased menstrual flow and prolonged menstruation. Although spring is here now, it is still cold in many areas. Women should pay attention to keeping warm during menstruation, and don't lose a lot of clothes suddenly, which is easy to catch cold.

      2. Do not do strenuous exercise

      Strenuous exercise should be avoided during menstruation. If you really want to exercise, you can do some soothing yoga. If you do strenuous exercise at this time, which exceeds the limit of your body's tolerance, it will easily cause dysmenorrhea to aggravate.

      3. Diet adjustment

      Women's bodies are more sensitive during menstruation, so they will be more sensitive to feedback on diet, and it is necessary to make adjustments to diet. You should eat some digestible food, mainly with light taste. Don't eat spicy food, and don't eat too much cold food, such as bitter gourd, pear and some seafood.

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