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  • 火车头多少吨,请问内燃机火车头多少吨?

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 16:05















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      It depends on the situation. The weight of the locomotive is usually 126-132 tons, but there are also heavier ones, such as the Shaoshan Type 4 improved locomotive, which weighs 184 tons. Different models use different types of locomotives and different weights. The freight locomotive is heavier than the passenger locomotive with the same load.

      The development history of trains:

      In 1783, Watts student Murdoch built a car powered by a steam engine, but the effect was not good and no one used it. In 1807, the British Trevithick and Vivian built a car that was successfully propelled by a steam engine, but the car was too heavy to walk on ordinary roads, and they did not expect to put the car on the rails. , so it will soon be abandoned. It was not until 1814 that Stephenson, a British engineer who was a cow herder, built a steam locomotive that walked on the rails and officially invented the train. By this time, the superiority of the train has been fully reflected, it is fast, stable, comfortable, safe and reliable. Immediately, there was a boom in building railways and locomotives in Britain and the United States. In 1832 alone, 17 railroads were built in the United States.

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