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  • 芹菜是十字花科蔬菜吗,请问芹菜叶是十字花科

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 16:57
















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Celery is not a cruciferous vegetable because celery is an umbelliferous plant. There are many varieties of celery. It has a long history of planting and a wide range of planting areas in China. It is one of the vegetables that Chinese people often eat. It is rich in protein, carbohydrates, carotene, B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, iron, sodium etc.

      Morphological characteristics of celery:

      1. Root: The root system of celery is shallow root system, generally distributed in the soil layer of 7-36 cm, but most of the roots are distributed in the topsoil layer of 7-10 cm. Celery is not drought tolerant due to its shallow root distribution. The main root system of live celery is more developed, and the transplanted celery promotes the development of lateral roots because the main root is cut off, so celery is suitable for seedling transplanting or soilless cultivation.

      2. Stem: The stem is shortened in the vegetative growth period, and elongated into a sedge in the reproductive growth period, and can produce primary and secondary side branches. The cross-section of the stem is nearly circular, semicircular or fan-shaped.

      3. Leaves: The leaves are attached to the base of the shortened stem, and the edges are serrated. The petiole is more developed and is the main edible part. The diameter of the cross-section of the petiole varies from 1 to 4 cm. The outer layer of each vascular bundle in the petiole is thick-walled tissue, and protrudes to form longitudinal ribs, so the petiole can grow upright.

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