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  • 请问10颗草莓什么意思?16颗草莓寓意「热点」

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 17:04












      【英文介绍/For English】:


      16 strawberries symbolize sweet love and happiness, and represent a sweet, warm, and blessed heart. The strawberries are bright red and sweet in appearance, sweet and juicy in taste, full of flesh and bright in color, just like being born from the honey of love, representing the willingness to give the most. Sweet love and eternal happiness. The appearance of the strawberry itself is in the shape of a red and sweet heart. Sending the strawberry blessing is to send the sweetest sincere love and blessing from the heart, representing the most pure, beautiful and sincere heart. There is a Chinese saying that the moon of fifteen is sixteen round, so 16 also means perfection. Strawberries are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin PP, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, carotene, tannic acid, aspartic acid, copper, strawberry amine, pectin, cellulose, folic acid, iron, calcium , ellagic acid and anthocyanins and other nutrients.

    上一篇:面包糠不油炸能做什么吃,请问油炸的面包糠糊 下一篇:请问不堪其扰中堪的意思是什么?君将不堪中堪

