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    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 17:24
















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Strawberries are not changed by bugs, but are fake fruit after the receptacle swells. During the development of strawberry plants, the receptacle swells and pushes the ovary to the outside, and the result is aggregated fleshy, spherical red receptacles, which are commonly eaten strawberries. The black dots on the strawberry are the real fruit grown from the ovary of the strawberry plant, called a small achene, and the strawberry seeds are in the small achene.


    Strawberry Growth Habits:


      Strawberry likes a warm and cool climate, the root growth temperature of strawberry is 5~30℃, the optimum temperature is 15~22℃, the optimum temperature for stem and leaf growth is 20~30℃, the buds are frozen at -15~-10℃, and the temperature must be maintained during the flower bud differentiation period. 5~15℃, flowering and fruiting period 4~40℃. When strawberries are over summer, when the temperature is higher than 30 ℃ and the sunshine is strong, shading measures should be taken. When the light is strong, the plants are short and strong, the fruit is small, the color is dark, and the quality is good; the medium light, the fruit is large, the color is light, the sugar content is low, and the harvesting period is long; the light is too weak.

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