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  • 灭火贴是汽车必备吗,请问灭火贴贴在汽车哪个

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 17:25



















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Fire extinguishing stickers are not a must for cars. There is a fire extinguisher on the car. The principle of fire extinguishing stickers is the same as that of dry powder fire extinguishers. They all extinguish the flame by absorbing heat and reducing oxygen, but the triggering speed of fire extinguishing stickers is faster than that of fire extinguishers. Note that the size of the fire extinguishing sticker is relatively small, and it only has a certain effect on the initial stage of the fire or a relatively small fire.

      Precautions for using fire extinguishers:

      1. Check before use: Before using the fire extinguisher, it is necessary to check whether the plug and nozzle of the fire extinguisher can be used normally, whether the pointer of the pressure gauge is in the green area and whether it is still within the warranty period.

      2. Correct posture: When using a fire extinguisher, keep the fire extinguisher in an upright state all the time. Do not hold the fire extinguisher horizontally or use it upside down, otherwise the fire extinguisher will not be able to spray dry powder or carbon dioxide.

      3. Use distance: Whether it is a dry powder fire extinguisher or a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, when using them to extinguish the fire, they should keep a distance of more than 5 meters from the fire source to avoid the flames blowing over and causing damage to the body.

      4. Shake the bottle body: Before using the dry powder fire extinguisher, it is best to hold the bottle body and shake it a few times to loosen the dry powder inside, so as to avoid the phenomenon that the dry powder cannot be sprayed due to solidification.

      5. Spraying method: When using a dry powder fire extinguisher, you should stand on the upper wind of the fire source and keep the left and right sweeping method, so that the dry powder can completely cover the fire source. As the fire source becomes smaller and smaller, the distance from the fire source should follow. Shrink until the source of the fire is completely extinguished.

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