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  • 梅里古镇在哪里是哪个省的,请问梅里古镇在哪

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 17:31







      早在三千二百多年前,西周周太王长子泰伯,为达成父王想立三子季历的愿望,偕二弟仲雍托辞采药,夜奔江南,拴马于枯树桩。到清早,见枯枝上梅花朵朵,喜出望外,顿悟此地当为宝地。于梅村 是为其取"梅里"之名,断发纹身,从俗而化,将中原文化传播到荆蛮之地。勾吴之国,由此发端;代代相传,终成一邦。大江南北、太湖之滨都受到泰伯谦让和开拓精神的导化,渐成为衣冠礼乐之邦。









      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Mei Village (Meili Ancient Town) is located in the southeast of Wuxi City, 12 kilometers away from the center of Wuxi. The ancient name of Mei Village is Meili. It was the capital of the state of Wu when Taibo, the eldest son of the Taiwang of the Zhou Dynasty, let the throne go from Qishan, Shaanxi, to Wu. Mei Village, known as Meili in ancient times, enjoys the reputation of "the most famous state in Germany", "the first ancient town in the south of the Yangtze River", "the hometown of Chinese Erhu" and so on. It is the birthplace of Chinese Wu culture.

      As early as more than 3,200 years ago, Taibo, the eldest son of the Zhou Taiwang of the Western Zhou Dynasty, went to the south of the Yangtze River at night to tether his horse to a dead tree stump with his second brother Zhongyong, in order to fulfill his father's wish to establish a third son Jili. In the early morning, when I saw plum blossoms on dead branches, I was overjoyed and realized that this place is a treasure. Yu Mei Village was named "Meili" for it, cut off his hair and tattooed, and changed from vulgarity to spread the culture of the Central Plains to the land of Jingman. The kingdom of Wu was born from this; it was passed down from generation to generation and eventually became a state. The north and south of the river and the shore of Taihu Lake have been guided by Taibo's humility and pioneering spirit, and have gradually become a state of clothing, ritual and music.

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