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  • 请问丰田卡罗拉排气管抖动怎么回事?丰田卡罗

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-17 18:26










      1、 【太平洋汽车】卡罗拉自动挡加油起步抖动的原因:1、油路不畅,低油门时油跟不上,造成发动机各缸工作均匀,从而出现加油起步抖动;2、高压线断线烧损、火花塞击穿或有气缸不工作,发动机运转不平稳而抖动。

      2、 汽车的抖动问题都出现在怠速的时、行驶的时候及加速的时候。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      If it is normal to shake left and right when idling, if it is shaking up and down, check whether the rubber suspension is falling off and aging, and check whether the entire exhaust pipe has loose screws. If the exhaust pipe is very vibrating, it is better to go to the 4S shop as soon as possible for a professional to repair it. The exhaust pipe and the engine are connected by a soft connection. After long-term use, the soft connection is damaged. The connection between the exhaust pipe and the frame is fixed by several rubber rings. Check whether the rubber rings are damaged or not. There is a rubber aging problem; there is a seal between the exhaust pipe and the soft joint, the soft joint and the engine, you can check whether that seal has been damaged.

    上一篇:请问高考必背古诗文一共多少篇?高考古诗文必 下一篇:请问大众途观刹车踏板震动抖动怎么回事?大众

