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  • 请问皮皮虾有什么营养价值?皮皮虾腌制的营养

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-20 16:37








      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. Enhance human immunity: The nutritional value of shrimp is extremely high, and its meat is soft and easy to digest, which can enhance the immunity of the human body.

      2. Supplementary nutrition: Pipi shrimp contains protein, fat, vitamin A, taurine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other mineral elements, which can supplement certain nutrients for the human body after eating.

      Pippi shrimp are all marine. Shrimp originates from the Jurassic period of the Mesozoic Era. Most species live in tropical and subtropical waters, and a few are found in temperate waters. They are all found along the coast of China. Among them, the wide-temperature species of the family Mantisidae and the genus Orocarpus are the most widely distributed and the largest in output.

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