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  • 请问牛油果和草莓能榨汁吗?牛油果草莓卡士的

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-20 16:38















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Can juice. Avocado, also known as avocado, cream fruit, contains a variety of nutrients, rich in protein, fatty acids, vitamin E, vitamin A, carotene and minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, iron, etc., is a kind of high nutritional value. Fruits, and strawberries contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, organic acids, etc., as well as a large amount of pectin and dietary fiber. The two components do not conflict and can be eaten together. Moreover, strawberries are sweet and sour, and they are juiced together with avocados. , can also improve the taste.

      Extended information:

      1. Avocado is a kind of fruit with high nutritional value. It contains a variety of vitamins, rich fat and protein, and high content of sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium. Kernel contains fatty oil, is non-drying oil, has mild aroma, specific gravity 0.9132, saponification value 192.6, iodine value 94.4, non-saponifiable matter 1.6%, used for food, medicine and cosmetic industry.

      2. Strawberry, perennial herb. 10-40 cm tall, stems lower than or nearly equal to leaves, densely spreading yellow pubescent. Leaves three out, leaflets with short petioles, thick texture, obovate or rhombus, dark green above, almost glabrous, pale green below, sparsely hairy, densely along the veins; petioles are densely spread yellow pubescent. Cymes, with a short-stalked leaflet below the inflorescence; flowers bisexual; sepals ovate, slightly longer than episepals; petals white, suborbicular or obovate-elliptic. Aggregate fruit large, persistent sepals erect, clinging to fruit; achene tip ovate, smooth.

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