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  • 请问商品房面积有误差属违约吗?商品房合同面

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-21 09:58


























      【英文介绍/For English】:


      There is an error in the area of ​​commercial housing, which is a breach of contract. The seller should hand over the house according to the area agreed in the contract. If the area error exceeds 3%, the buyer can choose to cancel the contract, and the seller will return the paid purchase price and interest; if the area error does not exceed 3%, it can be determined according to the area error ratio and the agreed price. To make up, the seller shall bear it independently or the seller shall return and double return.


    Citing regulations:

    Article 20 of the Measures for the Administration of the Sales of Commercial Buildings


      If the price is calculated according to the building area or building area of ​​the set, the parties shall specify in the contract the method of handling the difference between the area agreed in the contract and the area of ​​property rights registration. If there is no agreement in the contract, it shall be dealt with according to the following principles:

      (1) If the absolute value of the area error ratio is within 3%, the house price shall be settled according to the actual situation;

      (2) When the absolute value of the area error ratio exceeds 3%, the buyer has the right to check out.


    Article 577 of the Civil Code


      If one of the parties fails to perform the contractual obligations or the performance of the contractual obligations does not conform to the agreement, it shall be liable for breach of contract such as continuing to perform, taking remedial measures or compensating for losses.

    上一篇:请问汽车玻璃油膜怎么去除?汽车玻璃上的油膜 下一篇:请问瑞虎5x用什么火花塞?瑞虎5 1.5t火花塞型号「

