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  • 请问染色的澳洲腊梅有毒吗?自动染色封片一体

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-21 10:02












      是一种用于基础医学、体育科学领域的分析仪器。用于病理切片的自动染色及封片实验。可储存程序20个,每个程序可设定40个步骤;操作模式 随时对指定样品架的样品染色,并同时可根据染色缸和染色种类设定其他相关操作;加工容量 根据设定的染色程序可批量地处理多个滑动包样品架,12个不同染色系统可同时使用,可达12个染色缸(每缸30片),可同时处理360个载玻片。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Dyeing plums are poisonous. Due to the many chemical components in the pigment, some of the chemical components may be toxic. But without close contact, normal viewing will not harm health. When placing, pay attention to the placement, do not put it in the bedroom, so as to avoid endangering the air quality. If there are children or pets at home, they must be placed in a place where they do not often move and cannot touch them to avoid accidental ingestion.

      Precautions for Australian plum cultivation:

      During the growing period, it should be placed in a well-lit place such as a balcony. If the Australian wax plum is placed in a dark place for a long time, the leaves of the plant cannot perform photosynthesis, and cannot produce nutrients for the growth of the plant. After a long time, the leaves will turn yellow. Note that when the light is strong in summer, it must be taken. Certain protective measures, otherwise the leaves of the plant will be sunburned.

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