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  • 请问苏州园区和工业园区是一个地方吗?苏州是

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-22 15:46












      1、就是园区呀,全称是 苏州新加坡工业园区

      2、和沧浪区平江区金阊区虎丘区相城区吴中区并列的,不过园区在行政级别上要比其它的几个区高一点点。 苏州园区不是行政区,都市花园属于工业园区管理,但行政区划归属吴中区苏州园区详细的介绍苏州园区也叫苏州工业园区,于1994年2月经国务院批准设立,中新中国新加坡两国政府在北京正式签署了合作开发建设苏州工业园区的协议。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      is a place. Suzhou Industrial Park is actually the abbreviation of the industrial park in cooperation between Suzhou, China and Singapore, and the industrial park is a collective name. Suzhou Industrial Park is a special form of industrial park. It is a national-level industrial demonstration park. It has gathered many 500 mandatory model enterprises in the world. At the same time, it has also actively invited the R&D centers of outstanding technology companies such as Huawei and Apple to settle in.

      Suzhou Industrial Park Geographical Environment:

      Suzhou Industrial Park is located to the east of the ancient city of Suzhou, with Kunshan in the east, the ancient city in the west, Wuzhong District in the south, and Yangcheng Lake in the north, covering an area of ​​278 square kilometers. It belongs to the low-lying plain of Taihu Lake. The terrain is gentle and slightly inclined from northwest to southeast. The terrain in the south of Qunli Village is relatively low, with an elevation of only 2.5 meters. Suzhou Industrial Park belongs to the alluvial lake plain geological area and the bedrock and hill engineering geological area. Except for the topsoil layer accumulated by human activities, the rest are all Quaternary sedimentary layers with gentle slopes, generally horizontal layers, alternating layers or interlayers. , more regular.

    上一篇:请问西客站属于北京哪个区?北京银行西客站支 下一篇:请问薏米可以和绿豆一起煮吗?薏米和赤小豆可

