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  • 请问适合哈弗h6的火花塞有哪些?哈弗h6 火花塞「

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-22 15:47

      请问适合哈弗h6的火花塞有哪些?哈弗h6 火花塞「热点」

      据和记百科网站「米兰的春天°」消息,近日,请问适合哈弗h6的火花塞有哪些?哈弗h6 火花塞「热点」引发热议,哈弗h6 火花塞同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?和记百科为您解答。






    哈弗h6 火花塞




      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The original Haval h6 uses the champion RC8PYCBX single platinum, but the quality and performance are poor. It is recommended to buy Torchs K7RTI, Densos PK20TT, and NGKs 7092. These models are perfectly matched and cost-effective. With the increase of use time, the metal of the spark plug electrode volatilizes, the gap becomes larger, the surface area carbon, the insulation and sealing performance of the porcelain body are reduced, and symptoms such as poor ignition, insufficient power, slow acceleration, and increased fuel consumption will appear, but the engine may still work. smooth. It is recommended to regularly check and adjust the spark plug gap in strict accordance with the vehicle warranty manual.

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