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  • 请问淘宝底部消息栏不见了怎么办?手机淘宝没

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-22 15:50






      演示机型:Iphone 13&&华为P50&&小米12

      系统版本:iOS 15.4&&HarmonyOS 2&&MIUI 13


       淘宝底部消息栏不见了怎么办共有3步,本操作方法适用于Iphone 13、华为P50、小米11三种机型,以下是Iphone 13中解决淘宝底部消息栏不见了的具体操作步骤:操作/步骤1 我的淘宝下点设置图标 首先打开淘宝,在“我的淘宝”下点击右上角设置图标。 2 设置界面点击消息通知 然后进入设置界面,点击消息通知。 3 开启消息通知已关闭 进入消息通知设置界面,“消息通知已关闭”右侧开启功能。 END总结:以上就是关于淘宝底部消息栏不见了怎么办的具体操作步骤,希望对大家有帮助。







      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Demo model: Iphone 13&& Huawei P50&& Xiaomi 12

      System version: iOS 15.4&&HarmonyOS 2&&MIUI 13

      APP version: Taobao 10.10.0


      What should I do if the message bar at the bottom of Taobao is missing? There are 3 steps. This operation method is applicable to three models: Iphone 13, Huawei P50, and Xiaomi Mi 11. The following are the specific operation steps to solve the problem of the missing message bar at the bottom of Taobao in Iphone 13: Operation / Steps 1 Click the Settings icon under My Taobao First open Taobao, and click the Settings icon in the upper right corner under "My Taobao". 2 On the setting interface, click on the message notification and then enter the setting interface, click on the message notification. 3 Turn on the message notification is turned off Enter the message notification setting interface, and enable the function on the right side of "Message notification is turned off". END The above is the specific operation steps about what to do if the message bar at the bottom of Taobao is missing, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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