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  • 请问现代朗动噪音大吗?现代朗动二手车价格「

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-22 15:54










      1、朗动2013款 1.6L 自动领先型 6.8万公里/2014-08/石家庄/会员 4.78万新上架13.87万 新上架

      2、朗动2012款 1.6L 自动领先型 13万公里/2013-10/东莞/1年会员 3.88万新上架0次过户13.66万


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Hyundai Langdong has better noise control. A complete rubber sealing strip is surrounded around the door and the door frame of the car body, which can effectively isolate the noise outside the car. The tail section of the exhaust pipe is designed with double hanging lugs to reduce the noise from the exhaust system. vibration noise. Tire noise is usually generated by the frictional impact between the tread and the ground, and is transmitted to the interior of the car simultaneously with vibrations such as fenders and fenders. Install sound insulation materials from the doors, doors, fenders, fenders and other parts to reduce noise. Excessive tire pressure will also cause the tire cavity and the road to resonate, resulting in increased tire noise. It is also important to maintain normal tire pressure. Of course, the most direct way is to change to softer tires.

    上一篇:请问兔狲吃什么?兔狲和猫的区别「解析」 下一篇:请问途观用哪种火花塞?大众途观火花塞价格「

