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  • 上元节为什么叫上元节,请问为什么改为元宵节

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-24 17:31
















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      It is called Shangyuan Festival because of Taoisms "three yuan theory". Taoism once called the fifteenth day of the first lunar month as the Shangyuan Festival, the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month as the Zhongyuan Festival, and the fifteenth day of the October as the Xiayuan Festival. "Trinity". With the changes of society and times, because the first month is the first month of the lunar calendar, the ancients called the night "Xiao", so the fifteenth day of the first month is also called the Lantern Festival. There are mainly a series of traditional folk activities such as viewing lanterns, eating glutinous rice balls, guessing lantern riddles, and setting off fireworks.

      New Years Day customs:

      1. Guessing lantern riddles: Also known as playing lantern riddles, it is a unique form of Chinese folk entertainment with a rich national style. It is a special Lantern Festival activity that has been circulating since ancient times.

      2. Lion dance: It is a traditional folk sports activity in my country, which originated in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. Every time the firecrackers blow away the old year, in the vast land of our country, the traditional lion dance is accompanied by the warm spring breeze and joyful gongs and drums, which appear in towns and villages.

      3. Eating Lantern Festival: It is an ancient Chinese traditional festival custom, which means reunion and peace. It is mostly eaten during the Lantern Festival, and it is also eaten as a snack. Generally, there are a variety of fillings, among which black sesame filling is the most common. In addition to the general types of Lantern Festival, there are also types of fermented rice balls.

    上一篇:王者荣耀如何隐藏战绩,请问王者荣耀怎么隐藏 下一篇:什么是志愿精神的延伸,请问什么是志愿精神?

