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  • 兔狲是几级保护动物,请问家兔是几级保护动物

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-24 17:34

















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The hozen is a second-class protected animal. Rabbit hozen is an animal of the feline family and the genus Rabbit hozen. The body is stubby, similar in size to a domestic cat, and weighs 2-5 kg. The named subspecies are heavier, with individual individuals exceeding 6 kg, and the Qinghai-Tibet subspecies usually weighs 2-4 kg. It inhabits deserts, deserts, grasslands or Gobi areas, and can adapt to cold and barren environments. It often lives alone in rock crevices or in caves of marmots, with curved paths and a depth of more than 2 meters.


    Habitat of Rabbit:


      It can adapt to cold, barren environments, often living alone in rock crevices or using marmot burrows. The path of the nest is curved, and the depth is generally more than 2 meters. It is a nocturnal animal, but it is frequently active in the morning and evening, and mostly starts its activities and hunting at dusk. In winter, when food is scarce, they also come out to forage during the day, or move to nearby villages. The sight and hearing are well developed, and when in danger, they flee quickly or hide in temporary earthen burrows. The long hair and fluff on the abdomen have a good thermal insulation effect, which is conducive to lying on the frozen ground or snow for a long time, waiting for an opportunity to hunt. Meow like a house cat, but rougher.

      Feeds mainly on rodents, pikas and small birds, and occasionally on larger animals such as hares and marmots.

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