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  • 苏州东方之门和苏州中心是一个地方吗,请问东

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-24 17:39















      东方之门: 东方之门,位于江苏省苏州市工业园区星港街199号,地处苏州工业园区CBD轴线的东端,东临星港街及金鸡湖,西面为园区管委会大楼及世纪金融大厦,南面为小河,北侧为城市绿带和城市道路。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      East Gate belongs to Suzhou Industrial Park and is located at No. 199, Xinggang Street, Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province. It is located at the east end of the CBD axis of Suzhou Industrial Park, facing Xinggang Street and Jinji Lake in the east, and the Park Management Committee Building and Jinji Lake in the west. Century Financial Building, with a small river to the south and urban green belts and urban roads to the north.


    The Garden in the Sky at the Gate of the East:


      The sky garden is located at the top of the Oriental Gate tower, and the unique arched glass curtain wall system at the top encloses an open "greenhouse space", and is designed as two sets of presidential suites in the north and south in classical Chinese style.

      In order to fully demonstrate the unconventional ideas of the skyline of the Gate of the East and the aerial garden, such as fire protection, in order to ensure that the plane position of the fire elevator and its top height do not affect the design of the aerial garden, one fire elevator in each of the north and south towers is in the fourth place. The refuge floor has been converted. When arranging water cannons and smoke exhaust fans, the mechanical and electrical designers combined the design with the curtain wall frame system, and set the fans directly on the outer curtain wall, eliminating the need for smoke exhaust ducts and reducing the impact of mechanical and electrical equipment on the visual effect of the aerial garden.

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