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  • 什么作用使地表变得高低起伏而什么作用使地表

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-24 17:40












      问题:21.地形能发生“沧海桑田”变化,这是由于地球________作用使地表变得高低起伏,而________作用使地表趋于平坦。下列属于内力作用的有________,属于外力作用的有________。 ①地壳运动 ;②岩浆活动③地震 ;④搬运作用⑤火山喷发 ;⑥堆积作用

      正确答案:21.内力;外力;①②③⑤;④⑥ 【考点】地形变化的原因 【分析】外力作用又叫外营力作用,主要是指地球表面受重力和太阳能的影响所产生的作用,包括物理、化学和生物的风化作用,流水作用,冰川作用,风力作用,波浪及海流作用等。内力作用的能量是来自地球内部、促使地球内部和地壳的物质成分、构造、表面形态发生变化的各种作用。其能量主要包括来自地球自转产生的旋转能和放射性元素衰变产生的热能。内力作用的表现形式有地壳运动、岩浆活动、变质作用和地震等。内力作用的结果,使地球表面变得高低不平,形成高山和盆地。成为塑造地球表面形态的主力军,对地壳物质的形成和发展起主导作用,也是形成地形的基本力量。【解答】地形能发生“沧海桑田”变化,这是由于地球内力作用使地表变得高低起伏,而外力作用使地表趋于平坦。下列属于内力作用的有①②③⑤,属于外力作用的有④⑥。故答案为:内力;外力;①②③⑤;④⑥


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The degree of depression of a person standing on the snow is related to the persons own weight and the size of the sole of the foot. The effect of pressure is related to the size of the pressure and the size of the force-bearing area. When the pressure is constant, the larger the force-bearing area, the less obvious the pressure effect is; when the force-bearing area is constant, the smaller the pressure, the less obvious the pressure effect. People stand directly on the snow, their own weight is large, and the force area of ​​the soles of the feet is small, so the snow is deeply recessed and the pressure is strong.

      The definition and classification of stress:

      The definition of stress is divided into two domains: mental and physical. The physical definition has objective properties, which refers to the force acting vertically on the unit area of ​​the fluid or solid interface; from the perspective of psychology, stress is a cognitive and behavioral experience process composed of psychological stressors and psychological stress responses. In laymans terms, stress is the negative feelings and negative beliefs that arise when a person feels that they cannot cope with the demands of the environment.

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