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  • 微雨夜行古诗意思(微雨夜行古诗秒懂百科)「

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-24 17:45












      【妙处】 不知因了何事,诗人独行在秋夜秋雨中。

      妙的是他不象其他诗人一样去写秋夜秋风秋雨带来的愁绪,表达营营人生的“苦”,他内心充盈的是圆融而平和的诗意。这样一种淡泊高妙的心境,当今之世有几人能及之? 【原文】 《微雨夜行》 漠漠秋云起,稍稍夜寒生。但觉衣裳湿,无点亦无声。【译文】 秋天阴云密布,夜晚略微感到寒气。只觉得衣裳潮湿,没有雨点也没有风声。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The ancient poem of light rain at night means that the clouds are dense in autumn, and I feel a little bit of cool air at night. I only felt that the clothes were damp, and there was no rain or wind. Original text: The autumn clouds rise in Momo, and the night is cold for a while. But I felt that my clothes were wet, and there was no point and no sound.

      From "A Night Walk in Light Rain", author: Bai Juyi (772-846), the poem is a five-character quatrain. This is a poem by Bai Juyi describing the night rain. The first two sentences describe the chill of the autumn night from the visual and auditory perspective, and the last two sentences use "clothes wet", but cannot hear the rain to describe the details of the autumn rain.

      The background of the creation of this poem is unknown, and for unknown reasons, the author walks alone in the autumn night and autumn rain. "The autumn clouds rise in Momo, and the night is cold for a while" to describe what you see and feel when the autumn rain is approaching. The autumn clouds are densely covered, the sky is late, and a cold air hits, making people feel a little cold. "Autumn cloud" is a necessary condition for the formation of autumn rain, and "night cold" is the intuitive feeling that autumn rain brings to people, but the author did not point out the word rain. "But I feel that the clothes are wet, there is no spot and there is no sound." The two sentences are particularly subtle, and they portray the delicate quality of the autumn rain very vividly. This autumn rain is extremely subtle, and the "night cold" can still be felt by people, but this kind of cold autumn rain is completely invisible to people, let alone hearing the sound of rain and seeing raindrops. It is like a misty mist, soaking in peoples clothes. Over time, the clothes become wet, and the author realizes that it is raining.

    上一篇:孙一宁经典语录!王思聪经典语录「干货」 下一篇:失乐园象征意义!失乐园的理解「记得收藏」

