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  • 张骞怎么读,请问张怎么读?

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 13:49















      尽管张骞的名字在古代官方文献中被写作“张骞”,也有一些人对于其读音还存在争议。一些人认为,应该将“张骞”读作“zhāng qiǎn”,而不是官方的“zhāng qiān”。

      尽管在古代官方文献中,张骞的名字被写作“张骞”,但有些人认为,这种写法和发音与后来汉语发展的规律不太符合。这些人认为,汉字中的“广”和“骞”应该是有区别的,并且“真”和“钱”在字形上也有一些差异,因此应该将张骞的名字发音作“zhāng qiǎn”。

      事实上,无论是“zhāng qiān”还是“zhāng qiǎn”,都是可以接受的发音读法。在汉字演变过程中,不同的字形和发音经历过不同的变化,因此在不同的历史时期和地区,同一个汉字也有可能被发成不同的音。但无论如何,张骞作为中国历史上一个重要的人物,他对于中国历史发展和文化交流作出了巨大的贡献,他的名字也是中国历史文化的重要组成部分,无论从哪个方面来看,都非常值得我们尊重和重视。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Zhang read zhāng. The word Zhang was first seen in the inscriptions, and the original meaning is to put the string on the bow, and the extended meaning refers to opening, unfolding, etc. Zhang's Phrase , Zhangkou, Zhang Bang, etc.

      Chinese character:

      Chinese characters, also known as Chinese, Chinese characters, or square characters, are the recording symbols of Chinese and belong to the morpheme-syllable characters of ideographic characters. One of the oldest texts in the world, with a history of more than 6,000 years. In terms of form, it gradually changes from graphics to strokes, pictographs to symbols, and complexity to simplicity; in the principle of word creation, it changes from form, ideogram to phonogram. Except for very few Chinese characters (such as 瓩, 兛, 兣, feet, 嗧, etc.), each Chinese character has one syllable. It should be noted that Japan, the Korean Peninsula, Vietnam and other countries have been deeply influenced by Chinese culture in history, and even their languages ​​have borrowed Chinese language and characters.

      Modern Chinese characters refer to the regularized Chinese characters, including traditional and simplified Chinese characters. Modern Chinese characters have evolved from oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, Dazhuan (Xuanwen), Xiaozhuan, official script, cursive script, regular script, and running script. Chinese characters were invented, created and improved by the ancestors of the Han nationality, and are an indispensable link to maintain the various dialect areas of the Han nationality. The earliest extant Chinese characters are the oracle bone inscriptions of the Yin and Shang Dynasties around 1300 BC and the later Jin inscriptions. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, it evolved into the Xun script, and then to the Xiaozhuan and Lishu in the Qin Dynasty. In the Han and Wei Lishu, the official script became popular. Block letters. Regular script was popular in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and is still in common use today.

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