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  • 云养猫什么意思,请问什么叫云养猫?

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 14:18















      云养猫是以现代的新兴概念汇聚的汉语词语,指生活中因为家庭条件(例如:父母不允许,家庭经济不富裕等)或者是环境因素等不能养猫,每天以看网站、论坛等、或使用app查看猫咪的图片、观看猫咪的视频来安抚一个猫奴的抚养猫欲望。 该词最早出自于2015年,随着网络越来越发达微信微博等社交软件上有很多分享自己猫咪日常的博主,吸引了很多猫奴们的围观,造就了“云养猫”一族的产生。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Cloud cat raising refers to the fact that due to family conditions or environmental factors in life, cats cannot be raised. Every day, they use websites, forums or apps to view pictures of cats and watch videos of cats to appease a cat slaves desire to raise cats. Soothe your mind as if you were raising a cat too. Therefore, the cloud cat-raising crowd has followed many well-known pet-raising bloggers on social networks, and through the updates of these bloggers, they can absorb nutrients, so as to achieve the purpose of pleasing their minds and bodies.

      A little knowledge about cats:

      1. Cats spend two-thirds of their lives sleeping. Kittens must sleep in order to grow up, because the growth hormone in their bodies is only released during sleep.

      2. Cats have 32 muscles and can turn their ears 180° independently. Humans have only 6 muscles that control the outer ear, so they are not as flexible at all.

      3. The eyes of kittens three to four months ago are gray-blue, and the color of the eyes will be fixed after four months of age.

      4. Cats have no sweet taste buds, so they cannot taste sweetness, but they are very interested in high-fat foods, so they will also be interested in desserts.

    上一篇:为什么要创新传统文化,请问为什么要创新? 下一篇:新车贴膜有必要吗,请问新车贴膜是什么膜?

