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  • 绽怎么读,请问初绽的拼音怎么读?

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 14:32














      答:初绽的拼音是chū zhàn。


      初绽的拼音“chū zhàn”,其中“chū”是第一声,读音类似于英语单词“chew”的发音,发音时需要让声音从喉咙中产生,并且嘴巴要张开比较大。而“zhàn”是第四声,读音类似于英语单词“job”的发音,发音时要把声音发到舌尖处,同时嘴唇稍微扁平。



      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Read zhàn. The original meaning of blooming refers to the phenomenon that the seam of clothes is cracked by static force, emphasizing that the cracking occurs in silence. The rear refers to the opening of the flower bud, which is also the cracking that occurs while looking relatively still and silent. The phrases of blooming: looking for scars, awakening, wandering, full blooming, opening blooming, blooming, leaving blooming, etc.

      Chinese character:

      Chinese characters, also known as Chinese, Chinese characters, or square characters, are the recording symbols of Chinese and belong to the morpheme-syllable characters of ideographic characters. One of the oldest texts in the world, with a history of more than 6,000 years. In terms of form, it gradually changes from graphics to strokes, pictographs to symbols, and complexity to simplicity; in the principle of word creation, it changes from form, ideogram to phonogram. Except for very few Chinese characters (such as 瓩, 兛, 兣, feet, 嗧, etc.), each Chinese character has one syllable. It should be noted that Japan, the Korean Peninsula, Vietnam and other countries have been deeply influenced by Chinese culture in history, and even their languages ​​have borrowed Chinese language and characters.

      Modern Chinese characters refer to the regularized Chinese characters, including traditional and simplified Chinese characters. Modern Chinese characters have evolved from oracle bone inscriptions, bronze inscriptions, Dazhuan (Xuanwen), Xiaozhuan, official script, cursive script, regular script, and running script. Chinese characters were invented, created and improved by the ancestors of the Han nationality, and are an indispensable link to maintain the various dialect areas of the Han nationality. The earliest extant Chinese characters are the oracle bone inscriptions of the Yin and Shang Dynasties around 1300 BC and the later Jin inscriptions. During the Western Zhou Dynasty, it evolved into the Xun script, and then to the Xiaozhuan and Lishu in the Qin Dynasty. In the Han and Wei Lishu, the official script became popular. Block letters. Regular script was popular in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties, and is still in common use today.

    上一篇:英国的缩写(英国的缩写字母)「知识普及」 下一篇:月亮的变化是由什么引起的,请问月亮在各种变

