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  • 元宵与汤圆有什么区别,请问请问汤圆和元宵有

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-26 14:33








      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Yuanxiao is served in the north, and dumplings are served in the south. The northern Lantern Festival is a kind of Lantern Festival in which the filling is cut first, and then the rice flour is sifted into a spherical shape. In the south, the glutinous rice flour is mixed into a dough like dumplings, and then stuffed. Lantern Festival and Tangyuan are two different methods and tastes different food.

      Tangyuan, also known as "Tang Duan", is one of the representatives of the traditional snacks of the Han nationality. At the same time, it is also the most characteristic food of the traditional Chinese Lantern Festival, and it also expresses the longing and expectation of the ancient people for a happy life.

      According to legend, tangyuan originated in the Song Dynasty. It is also a novelty food that emerged in Mingzhou (now Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province) at that time, that is, black sesame, pork suet is used as filling, a little soft white sugar is added, and glutinous rice flour is used on the outside to form a round shape. After cooking, eat it. It tastes sweet, soft and glutinous, with an endless aftertaste. At the same time, dumplings symbolize family reunion and happiness, and eating dumplings also means family happiness and reunion in the new year, so it is a must-have food for the Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

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