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  • 京城是现在的哪个城市,请问清朝的京城是现在

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:24












      清朝有两个首都, 没入关的时候,清朝定都盛京,也就是现在的沈阳,所以现在沈阳也有一个故宫


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The current capital refers to Beijing; the capital in the Republic of China refers to Nanjing; the capital in the Qing, Ming, and Yuan dynasties refers to Beijing; the capital in the Southern Song Dynasty refers to Linan, now Hangzhou; the capital in the Northern Song Dynasty refers to Bianliang, the current Kaifeng; the capital in the Sui, Tang and Western Han Dynasties refers to Changan, now Xian; the capital in the Eastern Han Dynasty refers to Luoyang; the capital in the Qin Dynasty refers to Xianyang.

      The origin of Beijing:

      The capital generally refers to the capital of the country. After Beijing became the capital of the country, it was often called the capital, so it was referred to as Beijing. Beijing, in the first year of Ming Yongle (1403), after Emperor Zhu Di Yongle of Ming Dynasty took the throne, he changed the fief of Beiping when he was King of Yan to Shuntianfu, built Beijing City, and prepared to move the capital here. This is the official name. for the beginning of Beijing. In June of the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), after the Northern Expedition, the capital was moved back to Nanjing, and the original Jingzhao place was revoked.

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